State Senator Daylin Leach was elected to the Pennsylvania State Senate in 2009. In December 2017 a story broke recounting instances with over ten individuals when Leach either put his hands on women or steered conversations with young, female subordinates into sexual territory, leaving them feeling upset and powerless to stop the behavior.

Pennsylvanians deserve better.


Senator Jay Costa serves as leadership the Senate Democrats and told the Philadelphia Inquirer on December 18, 2017 that he was looking into the allegations and will take the appropriate next steps. Since that article came out, more allegations have mounted while leadership refuses to demand Daylin’s resignation. It’s time Senator Costa acknowledge Daylin is unfit to serve—especially given the documented record of Leach’s inappropriate behavior that spans the course of years—and stand with victims.

If we put enough pressure on State Senator Costa, he can leverage his position as Democratic Leadership to demand the resignation of Daylin Leach.

We must make our voice heard and demand more from those in power—will you tell Costa you believe we have no room for predators in our party?

You can reach his office at (717) 787-7683.


Since  these transgressions have come to light, Daylin has refused to apologize to the women who have shined light on his inappropriate behavior. When first approached regarding these accusations, Daylin lashed out individually at the women.

He continued his “Apology Tour” by refusing to say sorry, and then skipping mandatory sexual harassment training.


It’s been over a year since these allegations came out, and Daylin continues to lash out to anyone who dare challenge his power.

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And it’s not just former staffers, volunteers, and other Democratic candidates that are the target of his outbursts. Daylin has taken to inappropriately lashing out at colleagues as well:

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This behavior is completely unacceptable.
